How Real is the News?

The news is dominated with corporate control. Major corporations are now allowed to take over the news. They own main stream media. Major corporations prefer Conservative control because they continue to be in their pocket. This keeps their taxes low and gets rid of regulations. Our main stream news does offer the truth but only on the subjects they allow and it tends to be slanted to the right.  They look to make Democrats and the Biden Administration look bad in a somewhat subtle way.

“Roughly 90% of the American media (by viewership, readership and listeningship) is owned by 6 companies. A handful of media executives decide what we’ll see, hear and read; and although they have a political agenda, in every case their support of their own monopolies in their media world is legally their first priority. That means oligarchy.”* Thom Hartmann

Then there is propaganda that offers very little truth and embraces the lies put out by billionaires who have moved away from Democracy and appear to be embracing Fascism. Fascism is not unlike Libertarianism where they believe in small government which means turn everything over to Corporations. We are at an Oligarchy stage where Corporations own much of our government. Rupert Murdock owns Fox News and pushes these lies. There is also OAN and Newsmax. There are 1,500 right-wing radio stations through out the country and most are far-right lies. That is at least 30 per state. If they want to know why Latinos are leaning right? They have moved into Spanish radio as well. They outright demonize Democrats. It is the right that created the conspiracy theories of QAnon.

Corporate Democrats (Moderate) like the corporate support and use it to get elected. They may agree with Democrats unless it damages their pocket book. It is the Progressive Democrat who truly wants the government to work for the people. That means it must be run by the people and not Corporations. It is a movement that is taking over Democrats at the local level. Because the choose not to be funded by corporations so they are not slanted in their governing. Therefore, the truth serves the Progressive Democrat. 

There is no Liberal media. They have no agenda to control, only to govern to make our communities better. They honor the truth. I am giving my take on some good Progressive media that can only work with the truth and work to change the issues and protect our freedoms. 

Please feel free to offer your favorite Progressive new outlet for the list.

* The Hidden History of American Oligarchy by Thom Hartmann

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